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Elizabeto Gruden, direktorico nepremičninske agencije Prospera, sva spoznala pri nakupu hiše v Ljubljani, prav tako pa nama je pomagala pri prodaji stare nepremičnine. Svoje delo opravlja profesionalno, srčno, zna se odlično pogajati in poskrbi za vse podrobnosti, da je posel sklenjen hitro in dobro.
Opozorila naju je na pasti, na katere lahko naleti nepoučena stranka in vsem smo se uspešno izognili. Odlikujeta jo poštenost in odkritost, zato sva ji lahko povsem zaupala. Postala je naša družinska nepremičninska posrednica.
Ko sva kupovala stanovanje v Ljubljani sva ponovno poklicala Elizabeto. Skupaj s svojim teamom je poiskala ustrezno nepremičnino in pripravila vse potrebno za nakup. Če se bova kdaj odločila za selitev in nakup nove hiše ali kakšen drug nepremičninski posel se bova znova obrnila na Elizabeto. Tako zavzetega, energičnega in predvsem poštenega nepremičninsko agenta danes težko najdeš.

Barbara in Matej

Very professional and efficient. Continuous updates. Took all the stress out of acquiring my new property in Ljubljana.

P. Heydenrych, Director Zebra Globalno Real Estate

Moving homes internationally is an incredibly stressful situation, and it could have been even more so considering that neither my husband nor I speak Slovene. However, from the very first email we exchanged with real estate agency Prospera, we knew that we made the correct choice of agent and we felt assured that they had everything under control. The high level of care and professionalism they gave to everything was head and shoulders above the other companies we contacted in Ljubljana.

Kara Scott and Giovanni Rizzo

It has been a pleasure working with you and your team. I appreciate all the assistance and the ability of you and your team to accommodate my requirements. Thank you very much!

Carlos M. Cuevas, U.S. Embassy

We feel fortunate to have had Elizabeta Gruden of Prospera Real Estate assisting us in our quest for a new home in Ljubljana. Despite challenges and difficulties — exacerbated by the Covid measures — with Elizabeta’s help we were able to purchase a charming apartment which met almost all of our criteria. Elizabeta and Prospera team went beyond the call of duty to make sure that everything with the purchase transaction and paperwork went smoothly and quickly, and we are deeply grateful for that. We can’t wait to move into our new, permanent nest in this gorgeous city!

Luti Erbežnik and Leslie Cavell

Elizabeta and her team at Prospera were outstanding to work with! Professional, polite, and responsive to all our questions. They helped us find the perfect apartment in Ljubljana for our family. I highly recommend their services.

Seth M. Wilson, Ph.D.

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